Blog Entry 4 - Project 1 Research


Viktoria Solidarnyh 
    One of the reasons I like her artwork is that she shows what the original images are and how she manipulated and composited them together to make a seamless image. The photo above is one of my favorited because it reminds me of the creation story of the sea turtle with the castle on its back. I was drawn to this because I love sea turtles. I also love how each almost each part of the castle was its own separate photo that she combined that flows flawlessly. I think the imagery behind the photo is like there's this explosion going on in the background and the turtle is swimming away from the destruction with the castle on its back saving the only civilization left on earth. There were a bunch of individual pieces that make up the subject in whole especially the castle and its surroundings which I would've believed were just one imagine and not individual imagines composited together. 

Levi van Veluw
I believe he made with portrait using a bunch of glue/modgepodge,  green moss from hobbylobby/Michaels, little plastic sheep/farm animals, and fake trees that people buy when they build those miniature landscapes. I feel like he thought this would be cool to put on his face and maybe his idea is to bring awareness to saving the environment and not having humans destroy it. I was drawn to this piece because of the little animals and all the different trees and just the details of the work are extraordinary. I would imagine that this took a bit of time based on how intentional everything looks and how it gets into every spot possible. I think it functions great with the rest of his work in this series and was executed very well and was a very outside of the box treatment towards a self portrait.
